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نرخ ارز

    پرتلت نرخ ارز در دسترس نمی باشد

Intel RoboCup Competitions Start in Iranian Capital

About 400 national and international teams have taken part in the RoboCup IranOpen 2011 here in Tehran International Exhibition Center.

The event which is the third International Symposium of RoboCup IranOpen and the first Joint Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will run through April 9.

The competitions, organized by the Iranian RoboCup National Committee and Qazvin Azad University, draw teams from the Islamic Republic and other countries, including the United States, Germany, China, Brazil, Japan, Netherlands, Britain, Mexico and India.

The races are divided into 19 leagues, with a variety of categories, including mixed reality, 2D and 3D football simulation, small size and middle size robots, rescue robots and humanoids.


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