Thai trade official slams US sanctions on Iran

The Chairman of the Thai-Iranian Business Council criticizes the US for leading a sanctions regime against Iran, saying it is harming ordinary financial enterprises in Thailand.

The Chairman of the Thai-Iranian Business Council criticizes the US for leading a sanctions regime against Iran, saying it is harming ordinary financial enterprises in Thailand.
Anirut Samutkochorn said not only would the Western sanctions against Tehran ultimately fail but they would also backfire, The Bangkok Post reported on Sunday.
Anirut, who is involved in numerous businesses with Iran, demanded to know why he and many other ordinary businesses should be affected by the sanctions.
"We have got nothing to do with any political issues. We're just trying to make a normal living. It's not just the Iranians who are being affected but us Thais as well," said Anirut.
However, he stressed, "We are businessmen, and we will always find a way. Some of us may find it too difficult, and choose to opt out, but then they will lose the business to someone else who is willing to give it a try."
Instead, Anirut called on the Thai government to evaluate the future of its own economic and trade relations with the US saying, "Why should we have to toe the line on all their anti-dumping, safety, intellectual property and other regulations that they use to protect their own businesses?"
The United States, Israel and some of their allies accuse Tehran of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear energy program and have used this pretext to push for four rounds of UN sanctions and a series of unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
On New Year's Eve, the United States imposed new sanctions against Iran aimed at preventing other countries from importing Iranian oil and conducting transactions with its central bank.


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